Trampolines will still be a summer favourite


Garden trampolines have been a firm summer favourite garden toy for many summers and this summer is no different. Telstar Trampolines said " Even though the weather was not great during May and June trampoline sales were steady and since the weather has turned for the better we have seen a rise in the amount of trampolines we are sending out on a daily basis.  The best selling trampoline this year is the Telstar DELUXE Jump Capsule, specifically the 10ft model."  There are many garden toys available such as swings, slides, pedal go karts but trampolines are often top of a child's wish list.  They are not only great fun but they are entertaining and provide many physical benefits children do not get from other garden toys.  Best of all, the children want to be outside playing rather than sitting on the sofa with computer games.  With the summer holidays fast approaching and the weather looking good keep the children active and happy with a round garden trampoline.

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Safety First

The latest editions, Vortex, Orbit, Jump Capsule Mk3 and Elite, all have innovative safety improvements to them. No range is released into the market without extensive testing and passing the European testing certifications.